Hospitals should be a safe place to ensure you are receiving the correct treatment.

If you have fallen victim to a Never Event during the course of your medical care then you could be entitled to compensation.

What is a Never Event?

Never Event cases are a form of medical negligence that should never have happened, causing serious injury to the patient.

Each type of Never Event has a caused the person harm or even death.

Never Events can include:

  • Wrong site surgery
  • Placement of the wrong implant
  • Amputation of the wrong limb
  • Administration of medication by the wrong route

What does this mean for me?

If you have been a victim of a Never Event, you are likely to be able to claim for compensation as these circumstances are avoidable and you have suffered unnecessarily as a result of the healthcare provider’s negligence.

Can I claim compensation for my child?

You can act as a Litigation Friend for a child, if you are the parent or guardian.

Any compensation paid will go into a trust to be managed on behalf of the child until they turn 18 when they are legally able to manage their financial affairs.

Am I able to bring a claim for my loved one?

You can bring a claim for a loved one who has fallen victim to a Never Event and suffered injury as a result of harm.

If you have lost a loved one as a consequence of the medical negligence then it is possible to claim compensation.

The healthcare experts at Medical Negligence Solutions offer vast experience successfully managing the complex process involved in bringing a claim and obtaining compensation for individuals on behalf of their loved ones.

At Clime Associates, we work on a ‘no win no fee’ basis, meaning there is no charge to you or your loved ones if the claim is not successful.

Start your claim here, or phone the expert team on 1800-CLI-8888.