Driving on the streets of London is becoming an ever more precarious experience.

With road closures, road works, pop up cycle lanes and ever more impatient drivers, the chance of an accident is increasing and this is likely to get worse as we all return to work.

According to the Department for Trade & Industry the top five causes of a road traffic accident are:

  • Driver failed to look properly
  • Driver failed to judge other parties path or speed
  • Driver was careless or reckless
  • Driver did not perform a turning manoeuvre safely
  • Driver lost control

These five causes alone caused 110,000 accidents as recently as 2017.

In most of these incidents it is human error rather than mechanical failure or poor road conditions that caused the accident.

Every year 1 in 10 of us are involved in an accident. So if you are one of the unlucky ones what should you do?

It all depends on your needs. If your accident was not your fault you may require a near equivalent replacement vehicle. If your car is written off, you may not get a vehicle from your insurer automatically and if they do supply one this may be a standard car. You may have a large excess to pay and may have lost earnings.

You may have sustained injury and require rehabilitation or care to assist your recovery.

If the accident was not your fault or an accident where the other party was partly liable (such as a side to side accident on a roundabout) contact Clime Associates as soon as possible.

We have over 20 years’ experience of dealing with road traffic accident claims.

We act for all those who are involved in such accidents, this includes:

  • Drivers
  • Passengers
  • Taxi drivers
  • Commercial vehicle drivers
  • Pedestrians
  • Cyclists
  • Motorcyclists

We will help you deal with your insurers, arrange a repair and a replacement vehicle. We will also arrange a medical report and rehabilitation and claim compensation for you.

If we believe you have a good claim, we will offer a No Win No Fee arrangement which means if we do not win you case your pay nothing.

Call us on 1800-CLI-8888 or send us an enquiry, for a no obligation initial consultation on what happened and what your needs are.