Business interruption cover

Many owners whose businesses have been adversely affected by Covid 19 have suffered because of their insurers refusing to pay out under the terms of their business interruption insurance element of their commercial insurance cover.

In January 2021 the Supreme Court ruled that insurers must pay us for certain business interruption claims, particularly those arising from the lockdowns experienced in 2020.

If you have been refusing payment for your claim Carbon will offer the following service for free: -

1) We will review your policy wording to see if despite your existing broker/ insurer advising you cannot claim, there is a right to claim arising from the decision of the Supreme Court. If we believe that you may have a claim then, with your consent we will pass your claim over to our panel solicitors who will review your potential claim and advise whether they would take it on and offer a NO Win No Fee agreement. Even if your Insurer has already disputed your claims you may still be entitled to compensation.

2) We will review your business covers to ensure that you have the right cover (including building interruption cover) to ensure that your policy does in fact answer when you need it.

We have over 20 years insurance experience and several A rated insurers we can place your risk with.

Our charges are sensible, and we are happy to meet you in person to review your needs.

We can also arrange to consolidate your risks into one renewal date to limit your work and administration in covering your personal and business insurance needs.

Contact us today on 1800-CLI-8888 or see our website for a free initial consultation.