Every single one of us can be considered a vulnerable road user. It may not be every day, but we all regularly use the roads as a pedestrian; whether that be to cross the road or exit a vehicle.

And we also exercise precaution when doing so, something instilled in us from a very young age when our parents would hold our hand when crossing. However, being a pedestrian on a road remains highly dangerous with 1,793 reported deaths and 24,831 serious injuries reported to police in 2017 (1).

At the end of 2016, there were 30.9 million vehicles reported on the roads of Great Britain (2), indicating significant congestion issues, particularly in larger towns. It is reasonable to link traffic congestion with impatient and, sometimes, aggressive driving which only heightens the risk of harm to vulnerable road users.

What makes a pedestrian a vulnerable road user?

  • A road user is particularly vulnerable when they are an infant, young child or elderly person as their slower speed, reaction time and reduced awareness significantly increases risk of an accident.
  • People using the road are not protected by safety clothing/equipment, meaning an incident is very likely to do more damage than it would in a vehicle.
  • Pedestrians do not have access to safety features such as airbags, lights and a speedometer, making it more difficult to be seen, protected or to accurately judge the speed of an oncoming vehicle.
  • Generally speaking, a pedestrian will not have an insurance policy covering legal expenses in the event of an accident. Although household cover may include this, it probably won’t include the legal assistance required if the pedestrian needs to prove the driver was at fault.

At Clime Associates, we have particular expertise and experience within accident and injury case law, acting on behalf of the Plaintiff for more than 20 years and accruing countless success for vulnerable road users. Call us on 1800-CLI-8888 to arrange your free initial consultation, or find out more about these types of claims here.


  1. Department of Transport: Reported Road Casualties in Great Britain 2017.
  2. Department of Transport: Vehicle Licensing Statistics 2016.