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Complications v Negligence

Posted in Medical Negligence on 3rd Nov 2021
What is Actionable? When you undergo a medical procedure, you will have, or certainly should have, a discussion with your doctor or surgeon about what you can expect from the procedure and the risks of that specific procedure. You will sign a consent form acknowledging the possibility that complications may occur. So, if something goes wrong and you suffer an injury following a procedure, can you bring a claim for negligence? The answer, in a nutshell, is yes if it can be shown that the complication was due to poor care. How to be sucessful in your...

The Effect of Covid-19 on Clinical Negligence...

Posted in Medical Negligence on 15th Jan 2021
What is the impact on compensation claims for medical negligence? It goes without saying that Covid-19 has had a significant impact on all aspects of life, but in particular on those requiring medical treatment for conditions other than Covid-19. During each lockdown, the rise in the number of people requiring hospital treatment for Covid-19 has meant that those waiting for treatment for other conditions are pushed back. Numbers waiting for hospital treatment have hit a record high. Almost 4.5million were waiting for treatment in England at the...

Hip Fractures and Medical Negligence

Posted in Medical Negligence on 13th Jan 2021
Hip conditions and treatments As someone who required a right total hip replacement at the age of 38 and a left total hip replacement on the horizon, I am very aware that any negligence in this area that leads to additional injury, on top of a condition that is already painful and hard to manage, is very difficult to come to terms with. There are many conditions leading to hip treatment that are not negligent in themselves, but failure to correctly diagnose and treat the need in good time, or even failure to perform the treatment to a reasonable...
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