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Sepsis and Infection

Posted in Medical Negligence on 14th Dec 2021
What is sepsis? Any type of infection, anywhere in the body, can cause sepsis. This can be something as innocuous as a paper cut or a urinary tract infection, to something more serious such as appendicitis. Sepsis (also known as septicaemia/blood poisoning) occurs when the immune system overreacts to an infection. It is the body’s overreaction to an infection (bacterial or viral). Sepsis cannot occur where there was no primary infection present, however, given that some infections can be minor, it is possible to develop sepsis without knowing you...

Maternal Care During Pregnancy

Posted in Medical Negligence on 6th Dec 2021
A duty of care for a mother Having a baby is the most wonderful, terrifying, elating and difficult experiences and I speak from first-hand knowledge! I don’t think I have ever experienced such a range of emotions at once. All the time, from the first confirmed pregnancy test to the emergency caesarean section that was ultimately required all I could think of was seeing my child safely into the world. All thought for myself was secondary which is entirely natural. However, as a Mother, you are owed a duty of care too. Of course, all hands are on...

Medical Notes v Witness Statements

Posted in Medical Negligence on 23rd Nov 2021
Which is more important? The recent High Court decision of Sheard -v- Cao Tri Do has given helpful guidance on how the court will approach the question of what took place in an appointment where there is ambiguity over what was said. The Court found that if the medical records are unclear, or there is scope for multiple interpretations of records, the Court will rely on the parties’ own testimony and credibility to determine what happened. The underlying case related to a GP’s failure to refer a patient to hospital. Our case study of medical notes...
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