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Hip Fractures and Medical Negligence

Posted in Medical Negligence on 13th Jan 2021
Hip conditions and treatments As someone who required a right total hip replacement at the age of 38 and a left total hip replacement on the horizon, I am very aware that any negligence in this area that leads to additional injury, on top of a condition that is already painful and hard to manage, is very difficult to come to terms with. There are many conditions leading to hip treatment that are not negligent in themselves, but failure to correctly diagnose and treat the need in good time, or even failure to perform the treatment to a reasonable...

Can Blood Clots Be Dangerous?

Posted in Medical Negligence on 9th Nov 2020
Blood clotting, or coagulation, is an important process that prevents excessive bleeding when a blood vessel is injured. However, if a blood clot forms inside one of your veins unexpectedly and does not dissolve on its own, this can be a very dangerous and even life-threatening situation. Failure to diagnose and treat these either acutely or prophylactically can lead to devastating circumstances. Types of blood clots The circulatory system is made up of vessels called veins and arteries, which transport blood throughout the body. Blood clots can...

Is a failed vasectomy negligent?

Posted in Medical Negligence on 7th Sep 2020
A vasectomy is a male sterilisation procedure after which a man should no longer be fertile. The vasectomy procedure and how it works A vasectomy works by stopping sperm getting into a man's semen. It is a simple procedure during which a man’s vas tubes are cut or sealed so they no longer able to carry a man’s sperm. This means that when a man ejaculates, the semen has no sperm making a man permanently infertile. The procedure is usually carried out under local anaesthetic, where a man is awake but does not feel any pain, and it takes about 15...
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