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Know the Limitation Period for Medical Negligence...

Posted in Medical Negligence on 11th Jun 2020
There are many concerns felt by medical negligence victims which can create doubt and hesitation in pursuing a claim. However, it is important to consider that the Limitation Period for the majority of Claimants is 3 Years – a time limit which is too often missed by victims of negligence. Missing this deadline can be devastasting for those impacted my medical negligence and all too often means they are left with no other options but to pay for damages out of their own pocket or not having access to treatment at all. We know the effects of medical...

Periodontal Negligence: Failure To Treat...

Posted in Medical Negligence on 4th May 2020
Gum disease is a fact of life these days. With modern diets and lifestyles, as well as other risk factors such as smoking and chronic disease, almost half of us will experience gum disease at some point during our lives. Gum disease, otherwise known as periodontal disease, is an infection of the tissues around your teeth. You may notice initial symptoms of gum disease. These may include pain, swelling, bleeding and inflammation, and bad breath amongst others. However gum disease can have an insidious element to it, and you may be completely symptomless...

Dental Fractures

Posted in Medical Negligence on 1st May 2020
Dental fractures can easily happen to anyone without any major accident, and can range from minor to severe. A minor fracture could involve chipping of the outer tooth layers called enamel and dentin. A severe fracture could involve vertical, diagonal, or horizontal fractures of the tooth and/or root. Enamel and dentin are the two outer protective layers of the tooth. The enamel is the outermost white hard surface. The dentin is a yellow layer lying just beneath the enamel. Enamel and dentin both serve to protect the inner living tooth tissue called...
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