Riding a motorcycle in Great Britain can be touch-and-go at the best of times, particularly when you consider the regularly damp roads and traffic congestion.

Although bikers account for just 1% of road users, they make up 18% of all deaths on the road and almost 12,000 injuries in 2016 alone (1). This certainly paints a picture of biker's "highly vulnerable" status.

What makes a motorcyclist vulnerable on Great Britain roads?

  1. Motorcyclists are a minority

    With 1.23m motorcycles on Great Britain roads compared to 30.9m cars, motorcyclists are considered a minority on the road and, therefore, placed at an immediate disadvantage. Road laws tend to be developed with the car’s safety in mind, as opposed to vulnerable road users such as bikers.

  2. Less protection

    Motorcycles do not have the same safety features and protections as other vehicles. Bikes don’t have access to airbags, seatbelts, or the protection of a vehicle's frame. In the event of a road accident, these lack of protections increase the likelihood of serious injury or death as opposed to a minor injury or "close call".

  3. Higher risk on poor roads

    Being a smaller vehicle, motorcycles are more vulnerable to poor quality roads. According to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), road defects are another common cause for accidents and may include potholes, poor manhole fillings and gravel roads.

To avoid becoming part of these horrific statistics, there are some precautions and legal requirements to keep in mind before you get out on the bike.

These assurances will not only help avoid an accident, but they will also work to defend your case in the event of a road accident where you are not at fault.

Avoid a motorcycle accident by following the Highway Code:

  • All passengers must wear protective helmets.
  • Motorcyclists should wear compliant eye protection.
  • A motorcyclist may carry one additional passenger, if the bike has an additional seat fitted.
  • Provisional licence holders must not carry an additional passenger.
  • Motorcyclists should take precautions to be more visible to other road users.
  • Take care when manoeuvring through traffic.

The Clime Associates team have been representing motorcyclists for more than 20 years, with a number of our team members regularly riding their bikes to and from work.

We are very aware of the needs and challenges faced by bikers, whether that be on a day-to-day basis or following a road incident.

In addition to securing fair compensation for the victim’s ordeal, we also arrange for motorbike (and other property) repairs or temporary replacements.

If you would like to learn more, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the team on 1800-CLI-8888. Alternatively, you can learn more about motorcycle accident claims on our dedicated page here.

  1. Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents