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Solicitors at "growing risk of claims" for...

Posted in Professional Negligence on 15th Aug 2019
There has been a sharp increase in the number of professional negligence actions arising from solicitors under-settling personal injury and medical negligence claims, according to a specialist barrister. Richard Beaty was featured on, explaining: “Publicly available and reliable market data for professional indemnity claims is scarce [but] there is growing perception amongst our insurer and professional clients that the under-settlement of personal and medical injury claims is on the rise.” Beaty added that the change in...

Pomoc Medyczna

Posted in Polish Claims on 6th Jun 2019
POMOC MEDYCZNA Jezeli zostales zabrany do szpitala po wypadku lub zamierzasz sie do niego udac, personel medyczny zarejestruje wszystkie szczegoly Twoich obrazen w Twoich rekordach medycznych. Upewnij sie, ze personel dokladnie zapisze szczegoly I okolicznosci Twojego wypadku. Jezeli bedziesz potrzebowal wizyte u swojego GP bo np. bedzie Ci potrzebne zwolnienie, ponownie upewnij sie, ze personel zarejestrowal wlasciwie dane zdarzenia. Jezeli uwazasz, ze wypadek nie byl z Twojej winy, powinienes porozmawiac z prawnikiem specjalizujacym sie w wypadkach...

Minimising Your Risk of Injury as a Motorcyclist

Posted in Vulnerable Road Users on 17th Apr 2019
Riding a motorcycle in Great Britain can be touch-and-go at the best of times, particularly when you consider the regularly damp roads and traffic congestion. Although bikers account for just 1% of road users, they make up 18% of all deaths on the road and almost 12,000 injuries in 2016 alone (1). This certainly paints a picture of biker's "highly vulnerable" status. What makes a motorcyclist vulnerable on Great Britain roads? Motorcyclists are a minority With 1.23m motorcycles on Great Britain roads compared to 30.9m cars, motorcyclists...
The Law Society
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