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Insurers remain reluctant to pay business...

Posted in Dispute Resolution on 3rd Mar 2021
On 28 February 2021 the Sunday Times reported that FTSE 250 insurer Hiscox offered a struggling East London café owner $13.00 in settlement of its business interruption claim. The London café claimed for more than 3 months’ loss, comprising of $1,600 a month in rent and $2,500 a month in stock, after it faced closure due to the Government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The café had said it had been “battling bankruptcy” due to closure, like many other businesses in the UK today. It was reported by sources close to the FTSE insurer that only...

Injuries Caused By Machinery

Posted in Personal Injury on 7th Jul 2020
With certain exceptions, an employer is responsible for the health and safety of their employees at work. This means that an employer has a legal duty to provide their employees with, among other things, safe work equipment. If they fail to do so and an employee suffers an injury, then the employee may have a claim. Work equipment covers a vast array of different items; it includes vehicles that employees drive, vast fixed machines in factories and something as small as a screwdriver, but it is machinery with moving parts that has the greatest capacity...

Nie wygramy nie placisz w wypadkach drogowych

Posted in Polish Claims on 7th Jul 2020
Kancelaria Clime Associates posiada 25 lat doswiadczenia w prowadzeniu spraw odszkodowan powypadkowych. Kancelaria dziala na zasadach no win no fee (bez wygranej nie ma oplat). Jazda po ulicach Londynu staje się coraz bardziej niepewna.Zamknięte drogi, roboty drogowe, nowe pasy rowerowe i coraz bardziej sfrustrowani kierowcy zwiększają liczbę wypadków, a sytuacja może ulec pogorszeniu, gdy wszyscy wrócimy do pracy po obecnej pandemii Covid-19. Według DTI 2017 5 głównych powodów wypadkow drogowych to: Kierowca nie dokonal wlasciwej obserwacji. Kierowca...

Road Traffic Accidents Abroad & Transition...

Posted in Personal Injury on 6th Jul 2020
In my previous article titled Brexit Uncertainty and Road Traffic Accidents Abroad, the situation regarding Brexit was not yet clear. Since then the UK has officially exited the European Union and we are currently in the transition period, which is due to expire at the end of this year. For those who have had a road traffic accident abroad or those who are planning holidays abroad this summer and are unfortunate enough to have a road traffic accident, this means you will have very limited time to make a personal injury claim for compensation. This...
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