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Insurers remain reluctant to pay business...

Posted in Dispute Resolution on 3rd Mar 2021
On 28 February 2021 the Sunday Times reported that FTSE 250 insurer Hiscox offered a struggling East London café owner $13.00 in settlement of its business interruption claim. The London café claimed for more than 3 months’ loss, comprising of $1,600 a month in rent and $2,500 a month in stock, after it faced closure due to the Government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The café had said it had been “battling bankruptcy” due to closure, like many other businesses in the UK today. It was reported by sources close to the FTSE insurer that only...

Road Traffic Accidents in the UK

Posted in Personal Injury on 21st Oct 2020
Of all road traffic accidents in the UK, around half of these involve motorists, with car users accounting for 44% of road deaths in the UK in 2018. With road safety and air quality now becoming top of the agenda of issues, it is not the time to take travelling by car lightly. Interestingly, the majority of all fatalities occur on country roads, with a failure to look out properly being one of the most frequently reported factors contributing to accidents. This can create challenges when an individual needs to pursue a claim following an accident....

Cyclist Accidents in London

Posted in Personal Injury on 19th Oct 2020
Across Great Britain in 2018, over 15,000 cyclists were injured or seriously injured whilst cycling. Whilst cars make up 80% of the traffic on the roads, the casualty rate per miles travelled is much higher for cyclists and for other vulnerable road users, including pedestrians and motorcyclists. These statistics can act as an unfortunate deterrent to those thinking about taking up cycling, raising the question of whether higher cycling rates will simply lead to more cyclist injuries and fatalities. There is however research demonstrating that...

Covid-19 and business interruption clauses:...

Posted in Dispute Resolution on 2nd Oct 2020
The eagerly anticipated judgment of The Financial Conduct Authority v Arch and Others was handed down by the High Court on 15 September 2020 bringing some helpful clarification to the meaning of Covid-19 in respect business insurance policies. Background to The Financial Conduct Authority v Arch and Others Following the outbreak of Covid-19, many UK business faced serious working limitations or mandatory closure in light of the government lockdown rules. On 5 March 2020, Covid-19 was confirmed to be a notifiable disease in England and Wales by...
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