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Sepsis: Fatal Dangers of Delayed Diagnosis

Posted in Medical Negligence on 13th Jun 2019
Sepsis is a life-threatening illness. The failure to diagnose and treat the serious condition at an early stage can (and does) have devastating consequences. It moves quickly and time is of the essence. It is therefore somewhat shocking that hospitals are still slow off the Clinton in identifying symptoms and treating accordingly, with a recent article from the BBC highlighting the issues at large. Sepsis develops when your body is fighting infection. The cause of the infection could be as innocuous as a cut on your finger or tummy bug. Chemicals in...

Inquiry into the contaminated blood scandal

Posted in General News on 2nd May 2019
Earlier this week, Clime Associates Solicitor Krishna Pathak was contacted by BBC DriveTime with Eddie Nestor to comment on the opening of a public inquiry into a blood transfusion scandal from the 1970s and 1980s. Krishna had the following comment on his interview: “I am sure it hasn’t escaped anybody’s attention this week that the public inquiry into what has been called ‘the worst treatment scandal in the history of the NHS’ opened on Tuesday. The inquiry is being led by retired Judge, Sir Brian Langstaff and apparently could last for more than two years. It...

Procedura Przy Wypadkach W Pracy

Posted in Polish Claims on 1st May 2019
WPIS W KSIAZKE WYPADKOW: Zglos wypadek w pracy do swojego przelozonego, managera lub supervisera jak najszybciej jest to mozliwe. Zgloszenie wypadku nie powinno stanowic wiekszego problemu, poniewaz kazdy pracodawca zgodnie z obowiazujacym prawem powinien miec ksiazke wypadkow. Jezeli pracodawca nie posiada takiej ksiazki, zglos wypadek do swojego supervisera, najlepiej pisemnie np. w formie maila. Gdybys nie byl w stanie zglosic wypadku bo np. byles w bolu I nie bylo to mozliwe lub zostales zabrany do szpitala upewnij sie, ze pamietasz, ktorzy...
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