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Medical Notes v Witness Statements

Posted in Medical Negligence on 23rd Nov 2021
Which is more important? The recent High Court decision of Sheard -v- Cao Tri Do has given helpful guidance on how the court will approach the question of what took place in an appointment where there is ambiguity over what was said. The Court found that if the medical records are unclear, or there is scope for multiple interpretations of records, the Court will rely on the parties’ own testimony and credibility to determine what happened. The underlying case related to a GP’s failure to refer a patient to hospital. Our case study of medical notes...

How your claim could be under settled by...

Posted in Professional Negligence on 18th Nov 2021
How we can Clime Associates help with professional negligence At Clime Associates, we have a specialised team of lawyers dealing specifically with professional negligence claims against a wide range of professionals, including solicitors, surveyors, conveyancers, financial advisors and accountants. We may be able to act for you on a ‘No Win No Fee’ basis, which means that you will not have to pay our legal fees unless you win you claim. We are seeing increasing numbers of professional negligence claims against solicitors that arise from mishandled personal injury...

Alternative Dispute Resolution in Professional...

Posted in Professional Negligence on 2nd Nov 2021
Pre-Action protocol for professional negligence When an individual or company first intimates a claim for negligence against a former professional, the parties must adhere to the provisions of the Pre-Action Protocol for Professional Negligence. The Protocol sets out the preliminary steps that parties must take prior to issuing court proceedings. The rationale for the Protocol is to allow parties to understand each other’s positions with the aim of settling a dispute earlier with fewer incurred costs and crucially, without involving the court system. Paragraph...
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