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Negligent Solicitor Ordered to Pay Loan

Posted in Professional Negligence on 8th Jul 2020
When we receive services from a professional, it is reasonable to expect they fulfil their duty of care and provide what has been promised. Unfortunately, even the most experienced or educated professionals make mistakes and this can sometimes be at the client’s expense. When this occurs, it is referred to as professional negligence and there are laws in place to protect the community against such behaviour. To further demonstrate professional negligence, we delve into a recent case example where a Solicitor falls below their expected duty of care. Case...

GPs’ evolving standard of care during an...

Posted in Medical Negligence on 30th Jun 2020
This blog looks at the standard of care patients can expect from their primary care providers as England and Wales opens up after the Covid-19 crisis We all understand that during the Covid-19 crisis, primary care services were under great strain. GPs were dealing with an influx of extremely sick patients, suffering from an unknown and potentially deadly disease. NHS Guidance encouraged GPs to close their practices to most face to face visit, arrange remote appointments, and to avoid, where possible, referring patients to secondary care services. In...

Periodontal Negligence: Failure To Treat...

Posted in Medical Negligence on 4th May 2020
Gum disease is a fact of life these days. With modern diets and lifestyles, as well as other risk factors such as smoking and chronic disease, almost half of us will experience gum disease at some point during our lives. Gum disease, otherwise known as periodontal disease, is an infection of the tissues around your teeth. You may notice initial symptoms of gum disease. These may include pain, swelling, bleeding and inflammation, and bad breath amongst others. However gum disease can have an insidious element to it, and you may be completely symptomless...
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